
Perbandingan Domain dan Hosting

Saat ini banyak para pengusaha yang membutuhkan market via internet atau istilah trendnya adalah toko online, bahkan banyak juga yang membutuhkan market yang support technical support dan sales representative. Untuk membuat sebuah toko online yang support banyak fitur sekarang ini tidak mudah dikarenakan harga hosting yang mahal serta susahnya membuat toko online.
Berikut ini beberapa site yang menawarkan space hosting yang bisa anda jadikan referensi untuk pembuatan toko online yang murah tapi tidak murahan :
1. web.com

Web.com 468x100

  • Price : $11.95
  • Rate Point : 60 Day trial
  • Domain : Free
  • Disk Space : Unlimited
  • Money Back : 30 Days
  • Up Time : 99.98%
  • eCommerce Feature : Add on


Coding (Visual Basic .NET) Basic I

Sebelum memasuki tutorial untuk menjadi programmer atau istilah populernya developer harus dipahami apa itu developer?apa itu coding?apa itu programmer?. Developer adalah seseorang atau beberapa orang yang bergabung membuat sebuah sistem, coding dalam bahasa indonesia disebut kode yang diartikan metode untuk menggambarkan simbol dalam bit biner (dalam sistem ASCII ataupun BCD), tahapan menterjemahkan data atau pemecahan masalah yang telah dirancang ke dalam bahasa pemrograman yang telah ditentukan. Programmer adalah seseorang yang menterjemahkan bahasa pemrograman menjadi bahasa mesin.

Untuk menjadi programmer atau developer lebih baik diharuskan mengetahui dasar dari algoritma, sistem operasi, dan basis data, karena tanpa mengetahui sistem dasar algoritma dan sistem operasi pembuatan software akan kurang sempurna dan tidak efisien.

Algoritma digunakan untuk memecahkan permasalahan didalam matematika dan komputer sains yang menggunakan instruksi susunan terbatas. skema contoh dari algoritma ditunjukkan pada gambar 1.1:

1.1 lamp flowchart


Menjaring trafik dengan Google Friend Connect

Semenjak rilis pertama bulan mei lalu, Google Friend Connect sekarang sudah tersedia dalam versi beta. Layanan yang diusung untuk memfasilitasi dan membangun komunitas sosial ini bila diperhatikan mirip dengan blogger follower. Yang membuatnya berbeda, Google Friend Connect tidak dibatasi hanya pada pengguna Google (termasuk blogger) saja tapi pengguna Yahoo, AOL dan OpenID juga dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas jaringan sosial ini.

Careful You're Blog Can Be Identified As Spam

This day either of my blog have been identified as spam by robot google, what's wrong with my blog?

this is sentences warning from google :

This blog has been identified as a potential spam blog. Your readers will see a warning page until the blog is reviewed.

This blog will be deleted within 20 days unless you request a review

Website Design: Improve your Navigation

There are billions of different Web pages floating around the Internet, and unless you have the ability to trawl Google and memorise the URL of every page of every site, there's no way you'd survive out there without a little help.

Thankfully, we don't have to wander round the Web feeling our way like a zombie in a maze. Navigation forms the basis of any Web site, and always has done. Despite the fact that it is a necessity of Web design, it has become something of an afterthought for many designers, as they concentrate on trying to get clever with content.

7 Reasons Why You Should Always Prototype (Or At Least Wireframe)

Wireframes & prototypes didn´t use to be a priority for IT professionals. But as the IT industry develops, it becomes essential to build websites or apps on solid foundations. Here comes a non-exhaustive list of why we should all be using wireframes and prototypes more often.

1. We speak different languages

Imagine an English developer having to explain a future website to his client, a chinese businessman… I think this speaks for itself. But we don´t need get to such extremes, the very same word can have different meanings for people that speak the same language. But simply because they have different backgrounds they won´t intend the same things behind a common concept.

Why Voip And Why A Cisco Certification?

Routing and Switching certifications are fairly common among IT pros today, but Voice over IP (VoIP) certifications are still considered new and are certainly in demand (as the certification survey shows). When it comes to choosing a VoIP certification, there are a few options like the CompTIA Convergence+ and the Nortel Certified Technology Expert (NCTE) in Converged Networks. However, just as Cisco is the leader in VoIP, so are its VoIP certifications. If you're choosing, it makes sense to go with a VoIP certification that covers the most popular VoIP implementation in the world today.

What are Cisco's options for VoIP Certification?

How to Configure Windows Server as a Ntp Server

The Microsoft Windows operating systems from Windows 2000 onwards has a built-in time synchronization service – ‘Windows Time’. This article describes how to configure the Microsoft Windows 2003 and Windows 2000 time service as a NTP time server. It shows how to modify registry entries to configure the Microsoft Windows Time Service. The Windows Time service allows a Windows network to provide synchronisation of all machines within a domain.

Avoiding Investing Mistakes Of The Novice

Smart people sometimes make dumb mistakes when it comes to investing. Part of the reason for this, I guess, is that most people don't have the time to learn what they need to know to make good decisions. Another reason is that oftentimes when you make a dumb mistake, somebody else-an investment salesperson, for example-makes money. Fortunately, you can save yourself lots of money and a bunch of headaches by not making bad investment decisions.


Make Website for High Traffic

Most people will make a website and be happy that they reached a couple of thousand viewers over the course of ten years. But wouldn't it be much more rewarding to make a website and actually reach more people? Of course it would, and that is what we're going to learn in this article.

Make Website Like Popular And Succesful People

Most people will make a website and be happy that they reached a couple of thousand viewers over the course of ten years. But wouldn't it be much more rewarding to make a website and actually reach more people? Of course it would, and that is what we're going to learn in this article.

You see, there is this misconception that if you make it, "they" will come. While this may work for a baseball diamond that is anything but true when you make a website.


Who Started the Art of Making Paper Flowers?

It can be argued that it was the Egyptians and not the Chinese, who invented paper flowers because the word “Paper” comes from an ancient Egyptian word “papyrus”, which is an aquatic grassy plant found at the banks of the River Nile in Egypt. This plant has flowers that grows in clusters at the tip of each stem; which are triangle in shape and stand upright, and has long leaves. History has it the Egyptians have been using “papyrus” way back as 5,000 years for a variety of uses including as a writing material which later helped invent the name “paper”.

It is also believed that the art of making paper flowers originated in China and goes way back as 2,000 years ago soon after paper was invented. The Chinese started making paper flowers, which would float in containers of water, to be used for religious offerings, but as time evolved they were also used as a creative channel for meditation and came to be recognized as one of four arts the high-born Chinese man strived to master. The Chinese floral creation tries to depict good over evil, light over darkness, forces of the world and presents its contrast in forms, colors and textures. Their plant materials and containers also represent fixed messages though their choice of colors and composition and by the maturity and color of the flower leaves and stems. In today’s modern society there are still some traditional Chinese styles that have evolved over the centuries which continue to influence designers all over the world.

Need a New Career? How to Become a Welder

Anyone looking for a blue-collar career using their hands might be interested in learning more about welding. Many apprenticeship programs will accept candidates who have completed tenth grade or higher at the high school level, although a high school diploma or GED is preferred. The most important physical skill is manual dexterity, physical health, and ability, along with analytical skills and technological savvy needed for operating a computer. So if this description doesn't fit you, it might be better to consider another occupation. Key welding skills expected of those who complete advanced skills training include the ability to weld a variety of alloys in many kinds of positions.

Do Virus Infect You're PC

What to Do if Your PC is Infected From lethal infections to simply frustrating ones, virus infections are the curse of computer users. Once you’ve recognized the symptoms, what can you do about it?Don’t Panic - Almost every computer is infected with a virus at one point or another. Quick action and caution are necessary. There are two types of computers—those that have been infected with a virus, and those that will be infected with a virus soon.Top 4 Reasons to have a strong virus protection software 1.